Informed consent: care for the recruitment of vulnerable populations


Research with vulnerable populations has shown a common concern among researchers worldwide. Protocols to conduct research with vulnerable populations emerge, which differ from those already existing due to concerns on the understanding of the study objectives and withholding of information throughout the research period. Protocols present videos, audio tapes, flipcharts, interviews with community counselors, techniques that seek to inform participants on key points of research, in addition to contraindications to treatment. In spite of these new techniques for withholding information and maximizing understanding, they are not sufficient to transform the consent in a continuous process. Local community support is crucial for the success of research with vulnerable populations. Ultimately, informed consent comprises, sell, voluntariness and the consent itself.


Vulnerable populations. Bioethics. Informed consent

How to Cite

Informed consent: care for the recruitment of vulnerable populations. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2012 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];20(2). Available from: