Mental health of children and adolescents: epidemiological, assistance and bioethical considerations


  • Helvécio Neves Feitosa


This paper examines the Epidemiological aspects of children and adolescents with mental health problems in the world and in Brazil, this age range most common disorders, the etiology of such disorders, with emphasis on family environment, finding a strong association between domestic violence and the occurrence of such disturbances. It addressed the crisis in health services supply for children and adolescents with mental disorders in Brazil, and the lack of trained professionals to deal with this group of patients. Bioethics aspects involved in assistance are discussed also, with emphasis on these patients’ vulnerability in exercising their autonomy. It finishes by considering that to encompass the bioethics principle of justice, it is imperious to establish and to implement community mental health services, specialized in assisting children and adolescents, particularly in poor regions as well as at the periphery of large cities




Mental health. Bioethics. Vulnerability. Child. Adolescent.

Author Biography

Helvécio Neves Feitosa

Médico, Especialista em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Doutor em Obstetrícia, Doutorando em Bioética pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto / Conselho Federal de Medicina, Professor do Curso de Medicina Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Ceará, Brasil

How to Cite

Feitosa HN. Mental health of children and adolescents: epidemiological, assistance and bioethical considerations. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2011 May 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];19(1). Available from: