Death and dying in Brazilian medical training: an integrative review



To describe how death and dying are approached in the medical undergraduate programs in Brazil and their repercussions for students, an integrative review of publications from 2008 to 2019 was carried out, resulting in a selection of 36 articles. The difficulties in approaching the theme related to the biomedical model of training, the organization of the curriculum, and the training of teacher were identified. Those affect students, causing psychic suffering and hindering the training process. Few curriculums approach psychosocial aspects related to death and dying, which are often approached for insufficient credit hours, inadequate methods, or as extracurricular activities. Solution proposals point to the necessity of investments in palliative care in the undergraduate programs. In conclusion, these themes need to be more thoroughly included in the National Curricular Directives of medicine programs, to foster a more humanitarian training, based on ethical principles, and which prepares
students and professionals to deal with end-of-life situations.


Education, medical. Death. Mental health.

How to Cite

Melo VL, Maia CQ, Alkmim EM, Ravasio AP, Donadeli RL, de Paula LOE, et al. Death and dying in Brazilian medical training: an integrative review. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];30(2). Available from: