Bioethics and interculturality in indigenous health care
This article points out sociocultural, theoretical and legal aspects for intercultural bioethics in health care for Indigenous peoples in Brazil. From a perspective that seeks to build bioethical practices suitable for encounters between cultures, the text argues that focusing on soft health technologies can help overcome the difficulties found in a context permeated by coloniality and structural racism. A few experiences of intercultural bioethical practice are presented in the article. Despite referring to the Brazilian context, such experiences can be applied in other scenarios where different cultures meet.
Bioethics. Culture. Culturally competent care. Health of indigenous peoples. Public health.
How to Cite
Melo AV, de Sant’Ana GR, Bastos PRH de O, Antônio L. Bioethics and interculturality in indigenous health care. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];29(3). Available from: