Challenges in breaking bad news in a pediatric intensive care unit



Breaking bad news is a challenging task in medical practice, reason why this topic’s relevance has grown in the training of future professionals. In intensive care units, this type of communication is mixed with multiple situations, such as the management of information involving the worsening of clinical conditions and the possibility of imminent death, especially in pediatric cases. Given this context, the objective if this study was to understand the challenges faced by intensive care physicians in breaking bad news, from the analytical axis of some questions raised in the field of bioethical discussions. The results highlight the need for technical and personal preparation of physicians in the face of this important challenge, since the child’s participation in the treatment process remains limited, a reality that hinders the sharing of information and, consequently, the exercise of autonomy.


Health communication. Intensive care units. Child.

Author Biography

Ana Cristina Vidigal Soeiro, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Psicóloga. Dotura em Ciências Sociais/Antropologia. Professora Adjunta da Universidade do Estado do Pará.

How to Cite

Soeiro ACV, Souza Vasconcelos VC, Cordero da Silva JA. Challenges in breaking bad news in a pediatric intensive care unit. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];30(1). Available from: