Research ethics committees in Brazil: a study with coordinators


  • Marília de Queiroz Dias Jácome Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB
  • Tereza Cristina C Ferreira de Araujo
  • Volnei Garrafa


This study aimed to characterize the Research Ethics Committees in their profile and operationalization. An electronic questionnaire was sent to the 645 existing committees at the time and answered by 129 coordinators. The answers were categorized by frequency and mean of the answers and passed by a statistical test. The results indicated that most of the coordinators had a degree in Biological and Health Sciences, at Masters and PhD levels. The committees had been operating for more than nine years in higher education institutions, with insufficient institutional support. Members were empowered by readings of the Committee’s regulations and guidelines. The distribution of protocols was done by subject affinity and the group decision was given by consensus or vote. It is concluded that the committees are consolidated, comply with ethical regulations, but they need to dialogue more with researchers and with the National Commission of Ethics in Research.


Bioethics. Ethics review. Ethics committee. Research.

Author Biography

Marília de Queiroz Dias Jácome, Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB

Bióloga e Psicóloga, doutora em Bioética pela Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Univeesidade de Braspilia, Mestre em Educação, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de Brasília. Professora do Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB.

How to Cite

de Queiroz Dias Jácome M, Araujo TCCF de, Garrafa V. Research ethics committees in Brazil: a study with coordinators. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];25(1). Available from: