The food purchase program: the bioethics` lens on food security


The Bioethics reaches public matters and seeks the guarantee of the human rights among which is highlightedfeeding, an ethical debate on a persistent situation resulting from social exclusion. The Food Purchase Program(FPP) pursues the construction of a food and nutritional security centered on the commercialization ofthe production, on people, on social and on food security of the most vulnerable. This work aims to analyzethe FPP official documents, in the Purchase from Family Agriculture with Simultaneous Donation modalityas a Food Security Program in the perspective of bioethics references. Using the Content Analysis Method, itwas selected as analysis categories: human rights, equity, protection, participation and social inclusion. It wasfound that this program has a structuring character to food security, showing interfaces with bioethical referenceswith advances on the guarantee of the human right to food. However, there are limitations regardingthe participation process of those involved.


Bioethics, Food security, Human rights, Agriculture

How to Cite

The food purchase program: the bioethics` lens on food security. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2013 Aug. 8 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];21(2). Available from: