Ethical and legal analysis of scientific research on corpses in Brazil


  • Patricia Melo Bezerra FACULDADE DE MEDICINA DO ABC
  • Marina de Neiva Borba Postdoctorate in Public Health at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo/SP, Brazil. University of São Paulo (USP).
  • Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero Professor of Research Ethics at the School of Medicine ABC: Santo André/SP, Brazil.
  • Sueli Gandolfi Dallari Coordinator of Center for Studies and Research on Health Law. University of São Paulo (USP): São Paulo – SP, Brasil.


Currently there is an increasing interest in publications on the use of corpses for research in Brazil and worldwide. Scientific evidence reveal that these studies have little ethical and regulatory control. In Brazil, the regulation of this subject is scarce and scattered among laws and sublegal normative acts, hindering the knowledge of ethical and legal practices adopted by researchers. This article analyzes the laws and norms for scientific research on corpses in Brazil through a corpus that underlies this type of research. From the 1940-2012 period, we found seven documents of the Brazilian legislation that gather information for ethical and clear research. Finally, we present guidelines and a protocol to be followed by researchers for the development of ethical and legal studies with corpses in Brazil.




Cadaver. Research. Records. Ethics, research. Legislation. Jurisprudence.

Biografia do Autor


Doutora em Ciências da Saúde pela FMABC. Departamento de Saúde Coletiva

Marina de Neiva Borba, Postdoctorate in Public Health at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo/SP, Brazil. University of São Paulo (USP).

Postdoctorate in Public Health at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo/SP, Brazil. University of São Paulo (USP). Member of Center for Studies and Research on Health Law. São Paulo – SP, Brasil.

Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero, Professor of Research Ethics at the School of Medicine ABC: Santo André/SP, Brazil.

Postdoctorate in Public Health at St Thomas University, Canada. Professor of Research Ethics at the School of Medicine ABC: Santo André/SP, Brazil.

Sueli Gandolfi Dallari, Coordinator of Center for Studies and Research on Health Law. University of São Paulo (USP): São Paulo – SP, Brasil.

Postdoctorate Medical Law by the Université de Paris XII (France) and in Public Health by Columbia University (USA). Coordinator of Center for Studies and Research on Health Law. University of São Paulo (USP): São Paulo – SP, Brasil.

Como Citar

Bezerra PM, Borba M de N, Guerriero ICZ, Dallari SG. Ethical and legal analysis of scientific research on corpses in Brazil. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 21º de setembro de 2020 [citado 12º de março de 2025];28(3). Disponível em: