Advance directives and psychology in palliative care: a scoping review
uma revisão de escopo
This scoping review aimed to understand advance directives in the context of palliative care from
the perspective of psychology. Based on the available literature, the review was conducted using the
PRISMA-ScR method. Eighteen articles were selected from SciELO, LILACS, and PePSIC databases for the
final review. Duplicate studies, non-scientific articles, and studies that did not address the study topic or
the Brazilian context were excluded. Advance directives, besides being closely related to the reduction of
anxiety and depression symptoms, play an important role in promoting patient autonomy. We concluded
that psychologists contribute to the implementation of advance directives, help with communication and
family acceptance, and help with grief. Finally, future studies should expand the discussion on this topic,
especially in psychology, a field with a lack of studies.