Environmental Bioethics: strategy to face planetary vulnerability


New production arrangements in consumption and population increase changed the scenery on the planet, setting them in global interests. The ethical crisis in care and the relationships between man and resource tenure gave rise to the appearance of a new field of study and performance in applied ethics: bioethics environment. Such study and work proposal within applied ethics may help in the reflection and coping the environmental problems is the objective of this work. Bioethics emerged as instrumental in addressing the crisis, a tool in the advancement of rational development based on human rights,
sustainable development, collective accountability, in the principle of precaution, as well as in intergenerational solidarity, in order to prevent the increasing abuses to human and environmental health.


Bioethics. Environment. Environmental ethics.

How to Cite

Environmental Bioethics: strategy to face planetary vulnerability. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2012 May 24 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];20(1). Available from: http://revistabioetica.cfm.org.br/revista_bioetica/article/view/714