Neuroethics: a discipline under construction


We are living a moment of great hope stemming from technological (technological) innovations in neuroscience. These advances have led to an explosion of studies in cognitive, affective and social neuroscience. The goal of diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases that originate in the brain is laudable and relatively protected by the ethical guidelines established over time. But this remarkable progress has brought with it enormous ethical, legal and social challenges, especially because of the possibilities, not desired, of the application of these Technologies. Some are of practical nature, related to neuroscience applications and their implications for individuals and the society. Others more philosophical, concerning the way we think of ourselves as persons, moral agents and spiritual beings. It is some of this challenges that will occupy us in this article, bringing a number of recommendations, care and ethical questions unique to neuroscience continuing work published.


Neuroscience. Neuroethics. Challenges. Recommendations.

How to Cite

Neuroethics: a discipline under construction. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];19(2). Available from: