Order of not resuscitating the terminally ill: nurses’ ethical dilemmas


  • Daniela França
  • Guilhermina Rego
  • Rui Nunes


The article discusses the do not resuscitate orders (DNR), a theme that has raised numerous ethical questions in the course of the provision of health care. Based on research undertaken in two hospitals specialized in oncology in North and South of Portugal, the study aimed to ascertain the
main ethical dilemmas raised by the nurses because there is no uniformity on this decision in Portugal. From a sample of 231 professionals, was emphasized the position concerning the decision of performing DNR on the terminally ill, as well as issues about who has knowledge of it, and its recording and re-evaluation methods. In addition to characterizing this process, this study intended to show what was nurses’ thought and attitude in relation to DNR patients.


Do not resuscitate (DNR). Terminally ill. Nursing. Right to die

How to Cite

França D, Rego G, Nunes R. Order of not resuscitating the terminally ill: nurses’ ethical dilemmas. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2010 Nov. 12 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];18(2). Available from: http://revistabioetica.cfm.org.br/revista_bioetica/article/view/577