Bioethics as a way of resistance to biopolitics and biopowers


The work attempts to deconstruct the concepts of biopolitics and biopower and seeks to create conditions for a correct action of bioethics, understood both as an analytical tool and normative of the morality of biopolitics and biopower and as
practical application in the form of democratic resistance and dissidence with respect to morally questionable purposes, resulting from biopolitical practices and the improper
use of such concepts to perform them. Their assumption is that the concepts of biopolitics and biopower are used most of times, in an inconsistent way or as passepartout
words, which affects its power of intelligibility for understanding the profound changes in contemporary society, including with respect to perceptions of itself while a
'living system'. Deconstruction is therefore a necessary pre-operation due to the subsumption of ethics to politics, supposedly legitimized by the common reference to "life", indicated by the Greek word bios, which, however, reveals itself inextricably linked to zoé, if not subsumed to this. Finally, this paper discusses the proposals for biopolitical democracy and democratic biopolitics, showing the need for a bioethical control of biopolitics.


Bioethics. Biopolitics. Control. Justice. Immunity.

How to Cite

Bioethics as a way of resistance to biopolitics and biopowers. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 7 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];18(3). Available from: