Difficulty communicating the patient’s death to family members



Considering that informing family members of a patient’s death is an arduous task for health professionals, the objective of this research was to identify in the literature recommendations to reduce the distress caused by this situation. This is a qualitative study carried out by means of a literature review on the Capes Portal database using the terms “death” and “communication.” The results, obtained from 18 selected articles, were divided into three categories: professional training, family preparation, and professional practice. Regarding professional training, it was indicated, above all, training by role playing preceded by theoretical foundations; for family members’ preparation, the recommendation was to engage in
dialogue while the patient is alive; in relation to professional practice, the advice given was information sharing between colleagues and adoption of measures for emotional control. It was found that simulated practices, information sharing between professionals, emotional control of professionals and dialogue with and between family members contribute to reducing the distress when communicating death.


Death. Attitude to death. Parental death. Hospital communication systems. Bioethical issues.

Author Biographies

Juliano Cezar Ferreira, Universidade do Oeste de Sata Catarina - UNOESC

Graduação em Educação Física. Especialista em Gerontologia.

Ana Paula Pereira, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC

Graduação em Psicologia. Mestrado em Biociências e Saúde.

Elcio Luiz Bonamigo, Unoesc - Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

Médico oftalmologista em Joaçaba, professor de Bioética e Oftalmologia da UNOESC - Universidade do Oeste de Sata Catarina,  doutor em Bioética.

How to Cite

Ferreira JC, Pereira AP, Bonamigo EL. Difficulty communicating the patient’s death to family members. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];30(1). Available from: https://revistabioetica.cfm.org.br/revista_bioetica/article/view/2467